We all love it when we get loads of brand knew things and don't have a clue what to start using first, your all crazy excited that you just stare at your
goodies for a while being jelly of yourself.
Especially when you get given them by someone else.
Lately I have been feeling these exact feels and thought I would share my pressies with you. This is basically a
Food related haul showing all the latest gifts I've gotten for either Christmas or my birthday.
Just a pre warning this is my first time writing a blog post like this so I'm not all up to date with the how it all works.
I realise it is a bit late to be doing a
Christmas and birthday haul as it was about 2-3 months ago. But really what the hell there's no rules and if there is I'm gonna break them because I'm excited and want to share all my goodies with you.
These cuties are from Dasio for only $2.80 a packet. If you have never had a awesome shopping experience in Dasio WOW your missing out. It's the best little(really huge) Japanese shop that has stores in Australia too!! Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is $2.80 andIt sells from the most basic to the most quirkiest stuff you'll ever want. My sister actually came home one day with these for me after thinking they would be absolutely perf for peanut butter cups. Good choice Beth
I had been wanting for these baby's for a while. When one day I randomly found them chillin' on my kitchen bench. Apparently mums friend didn't want them anymore... well beauty ! Cake Time
I think these are the most convenient simple to use things ever. Flower fondant punch cutters. I got these given to me by my lovely bestie Brigitte for Kris Kringle last year. HAHAHA she knows me way to well.
Very simply a well awaited
thermometer I got this one given to me by a family friend for my birthday along with the
Great Australian Bake Off Cookbook that I LOVE. It's just so beautiful.

A zester and a spatula. Shockingly I didn't have these two items before and I really thought they would come in handy often. My mum and sister obviously thought so too (or knew I wanted them) because I got them given to me for Christmas YAYA
My mother is a absolute second hand book store juncky and she told me when she was hunting in one she came across this and thought I would appreciate it. And I do! Its so vintage and actually old. The way the recipes are written is so awesome. Its an original Esk Valley Cookery Book which is written by members of the Esk Valley Group of the C.W.A situated in Tasmania. It is made up of treasured recipes given to be shared with others.
Did you really think I would write a post like this without mentioning my fav Jamie Oliver! I got this amazing cook book from my lovely mum and dad for Christmas. I was so excited I was drooling over all the food as soon as it was opened. This is Jamie's cookbook Cook With Jamie - a guide to making you a better cook. It sits on my desk and I am absolutely in love with it!
THAT'S IT I hope you enjoyed a little insight on my new goodies (well not so new anymore)
- Grace
Discover. Cook. Then just show the world.